Introducing a Safer, More Cost Effective and Ethical Development in Movie Arms 

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Alamo Arms breaks the mould of a traditional Film and TV Armoury offering a unique system of weaponry that is safer, more cost effective and more ethical than the current Industry Standard

Safety is any armourer’s primary concern. Here at Alamo we have developed a system using Gas Operated Synthetic Rifles (G.O.S.R.) that has neutralised 99% of safety issues on set. With no explosive charge the system functions realistically while eliminating the danger of projectiles such as unburnt powder, hot sharp brass and percussive pressure exiting the gun. G.O.S.Rs grant actors the ability to get up close and personal and enables camera to get shots difficult to achieve before safely.

The Alamo G.O.S.R. system does not use blanks, therefore the decibel level is low enough to obviate the requirement for actors and crew to wear hearing protection. This allows actors to fire weapons and continue unimpaired with scenes requiring dialogue and provides a significant cost and time reduction in PPE required.  

Cost is always a concern when commencing any production. Alamo's Gas Operated Synthetic Rifles allow more weapons on set with fewer armourers in attendance. A traditional blank round costs around £1, in contrast the gas used in our system reduces the trigger pull to a few pence. This produces significant savings over the duration of any Film and TV production.

The nature of our gas weapons allows for rapid acquisition of new products if what you require is not already in our extensively stocked film armoury. The constraints on numbers we can obtain are also not limited as with traditional firearms. We can offer Section 5 services along side any of our products to allow flexibility and obtain the required look on camera. Netflix, Warner HBO, Amazon and the BBC have used this system many times already and Alamo is fast becoming the go Film & TV armoury for productions. 
The Alamo G.O.S.R product may look and function like firearms but are not constrained buy firearms restrictions which allows our product to be shipped worldwide without the inconvenience and huge time delays of import and export licences (typically 3 months) that traditional section 5 firearms require. This allows for script and weapons changes up to the last minute and additional items to be sent out without costly delays to production schedules.     

Many Section 5 Firearms have been used in conflicts around the globe and may have at some point in their lives been used for their intended purpose. This can be uncomfortable for some actors. Alamo can guarantee all our firearms are 100% ethical to handle. 


Contact us

Steven Leek Company Director

Sam Dormer Company Director

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